It's been very cold and very snowy this past week! We were happy to have another visit from my sister and brother-in-law. I was able to accomplish some things around the house and finish my Christmas shopping thanks to their help! We are leaving tonite for northern Michigan to spend Christmas with my family and then we will head to Mason on Saturday to visit with Patrick's family. The bummer is that he and I are both sick and the weather looks like it will make for a tedious drive! We are going to head out at midnight and give it a try as long as we feel it is safe. We have been looking forward to having Margaux meet some more of her family. Merry Christmas to all!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Holiday Plans
It's been very cold and very snowy this past week! We were happy to have another visit from my sister and brother-in-law. I was able to accomplish some things around the house and finish my Christmas shopping thanks to their help! We are leaving tonite for northern Michigan to spend Christmas with my family and then we will head to Mason on Saturday to visit with Patrick's family. The bummer is that he and I are both sick and the weather looks like it will make for a tedious drive! We are going to head out at midnight and give it a try as long as we feel it is safe. We have been looking forward to having Margaux meet some more of her family. Merry Christmas to all!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
The Stockings Were Hung By The Chimney With Care
Just a little over two weeks and it will be Christmas already...unreal. Time is getting away from me since the baby was born! We did get our tree this weekend, but not from a festive farm like last year where you cut your own. It's been frigidly cold here all weekend and so we ended up buying our cute but overpriced tree from a lot down the street. I went to decorate it tonite and realized that I didn't have any hooks for my new ornaments. So I will add tree decorating to my ever growing list of unfinished tasks including Christmas shopping and ordering holiday cards!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Still "Dog People"!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Milestones & Vampires

Sunday, November 16, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
First Appointment
So we took Margaux to her first pediatrician appointment today and she did great! She now weighs 9 lbs. 4 oz. and measures 21 inches long. She's quite the little eater! We love Dr. Armand Gonzalzles...we definitely recommend him if you live in the Chicagoland area! We took her by the hospital to visit my coworkers after the appointment and tonite Aunt Kim is spending the night. It was a very nice day.
Sunday, November 9, 2008

We are on our own now after having the amazing support of my family since October 22nd. My sister Susan and my brother-in-law Dennis brought my parents down and stayed the first week. Susan was a huge help with the baby and she also cooked meals and was a superwoman at helping us get our cluttered basement sorted out! Dennis went and got donuts every morning and enjoyed holding Margaux. My mom also took care of the baby a lot and she did a TON of laundry while my dad kept the dishes clean and did some yard work. Thank you to my brother Charlie who drove down this weekend with my sister Ruth to see the baby and take my parents home. Ruth was also a worker bee when she was and making her delicious potato soup that I love! I wish they could have stayed a bit longer...not to have them doing work for me, but just to have them here visiting and getting to know Margaux. I am so fortunate to have such a wonderful, supportive family. These first few weeks of recovery would have been very tough without them! I am feeling thankful today, but also sad that they live so far away.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
"She's Quite A Girl"
So she is finally here! Margaux Violet was born via c-section on Friday, October 24th at 4:57 a.m. She weighed 7 lbs. 6.7 oz. and measured 20" long. She is absolutely delicious and we are madly in love with her! We went to the hospital on the morning of the 23rd for induction of labor and after 16 hours realized that it just wasn't happening. It turns out her presenting position was a bit off and she also had a tight/short cord around her neck. The c-section recovery is painful and it was not what we had imagined for a birth experience, but to keep it in perspective we have ourselves a gorgeous and healthy little daughter. Patrick is a total natural at being a daddy and I love her so much that I find myself tearing up over it several times a day! Buddy & Jasper are adjusting like champs and we are very proud of them. My parents and my sister Susan and brother-in-law Dennis are staying with us and have been a huge help. Patrick is returning to work today after a week off and I am home until mid-January. My dad, who is a man of little words and a tad nervous about holding tiny newborns a whole lot, leaned over Margaux and I on his way out from visiting us in the hospital and said, "She's quite a girl!" I agree, quite a girl indeed. I plan to link up my Picasa albums to this blog very soon.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Tree Top
I got this idea for the tree branch while flipping through a Pottery Barn Kids catalog not realizing that Patrick would be so gung-ho to take on the project by himself. More power to him, it looks great! We got the branch from my parents' property in northern Michigan and Patrick painted it to look like birch and added the artificial leaves and moss along with a few birds and nests. I love it! We are on the lookout for a bluebird and possibly a small owl and butterfly. This weekend Patrick is going to sponge paint a bit of blue sky and white clouds on that little corner of the ceiling.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
More pics...

Also in attendance were some other cherished friends. I met Lara ten years ago when we worked together at a medical office and her mom Trish is as cool as they come! Lara was in my wedding and her dad, Rudy, officiated at our wedding. I have also been blessed with new friends in Melissa's family...her mom Paula and her sister Mandy. (Of course her dad, Dean, was not in attendance!) Patrick and I both miss our families and so it's a beautiful thing to have found a little bit of family here in Chicago!
Baby Shower III
Yesterday was my third and final baby shower hosted by my three friends/co-workers Peggy, Melissa and Silvia. It was a warm and gorgeous fall day and it was held at Peggy's home in Park Ridge. And just like I predicted, it was my loudest & rowdiest shower of the the grand finale of the fireworks! (Complete with drinking games and all!) There was way too much delicious food and I received so many wonderful and generous gifts that I did not go to the apple orchard this morning as planned, but stayed home to try to organize so that we can have more than just a walkway path in our livingroom! I had such a fun time and I have been amazed by the support I have received from my friends at work...I have the BEST co-workers in the world!!!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
More Nursery Decor
Baby, baby, baby! (Chant it like Jan Brady's "Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!") I know, it's all I talk about stuff. But really? It's kind of all I have right now! I promise I will try to get some portion of an interesting life back once I'm not pregnant anymore...but I won't even pretend that this blog won't also be plastered with the new little princess very soon! ;-)
Monday, September 29, 2008
Home Stretch
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Baby Shower II: Lansing, MI
Yesterday was my second baby shower hosted by my very dear friend, Sarah. It was a classy little ladies luncheon held at Christie's Bistro/Sheraton Hotel in Lansing, MI. As I did at my first shower a few weeks ago, I again had a wonderful time! Sarah knows me well and she put extra special effort in attention to details. The food was delicious, the setting pristene and the ladies in attendance were fabulous company! I received so many beautiful gifts...I loved everything! I feel incredibly thankful to have family and friends that are already so welcoming of our baby girl.