Thursday, October 30, 2008

"She's Quite A Girl"

So she is finally here! Margaux Violet was born via c-section on Friday, October 24th at 4:57 a.m. She weighed 7 lbs. 6.7 oz. and measured 20" long. She is absolutely delicious and we are madly in love with her! We went to the hospital on the morning of the 23rd for induction of labor and after 16 hours realized that it just wasn't happening. It turns out her presenting position was a bit off and she also had a tight/short cord around her neck. The c-section recovery is painful and it was not what we had imagined for a birth experience, but to keep it in perspective we have ourselves a gorgeous and healthy little daughter. Patrick is a total natural at being a daddy and I love her so much that I find myself tearing up over it several times a day! Buddy & Jasper are adjusting like champs and we are very proud of them. My parents and my sister Susan and brother-in-law Dennis are staying with us and have been a huge help. Patrick is returning to work today after a week off and I am home until mid-January. My dad, who is a man of little words and a tad nervous about holding tiny newborns a whole lot, leaned over Margaux and I on his way out from visiting us in the hospital and said, "She's quite a girl!" I agree, quite a girl indeed. I plan to link up my Picasa albums to this blog very soon.


The Ranger's said...

She's beautiful! Looking forward to meeting little miss Margaux...

Unknown said...

So you do love her as much as you love your dogs? I figured that might happen even though you weren't so sure!

Anonymous said...

She IS quite a girl and so, so beautiful. She is squishy enough to ALMOST make me want another one! Hope you are feeling better every day.

Susan said...

She is such a nice very good natured. She is lucky to have you and Pat for her parents.