(Best fertility center around & best REI physician ever...Dr. Aaron Lifchez.)
I am going to make a long, ongoing story very short. P. & I have fertility problems. What kind? We don't know! We both test normal. So our official diagnosis is "Unexplained Infertility". It would almost have been better to have had a real, affirmative diagnosis! After saying that I would NEVER do IVF...we just finished a round of IVF! Turns out you do a lot of things that you don't think you ever would when you feel you are backed in a corner. So today was the final step in the process...embryo transfer. We chose to have two transferred, not because we are necessarily thrilled with the idea of twins, but because it maximizes your chance for achieving pregnancy. Now I just kind of relax for two days and wait a period of time to find out if it worked!
As an adopted child I have always wanted to adopt, well before we found that we had fertility issues. Fortunately, Patrick feels the same way. We assume that there is a child in our future via that route as well, God willing!
So say a prayer, send good vibes, wish on a star...whatever it is you do, that those little tiny grain-of-sand-sized embryos cling on for dear life...literally! ;-)
I don't know that I know of two people more deserving of a child than you and Pat; I know you both will be great parents.
Wishing, hoping, praying....
I have thought about you both every day. I am praying...love ya!
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