Wednesday, July 31, 2013

More Summer Stuff

How is tomorrow August already?!?  Fastest, strangest summer ever!  Strange, because the weather has been so wonky, where did the hot temps and sun go?  I have a tan to maintain!  I was also sick in July, not once, but TWICE!  Ugh.  I think I am on the mend now.  This past weekend, Margaux and I went to Gepetto's Toy Box in Oak Park and she got two little Dwarf African Frogs.  You feed them pellets twice a week and change their water 3x per year....easy-peasy!  We also helped a little bird, a fledgling, whom we thought was in peril.  Turns out, it is supposed to be hopping around and learning to fly and get by on it's own.  We were relieved to see the mama bird still feeding it!  We also took Margaux to the DuPage County Fair, what's a summer without a fair?  She rode tons of rides, rode a pony and spent a lot of time in the animal barns!  Good stuff.  She has been doing Tae Kwon Do and gymnastic all summer, and she says she wants to start ballet again this fall.  She will also be starting preschool, three half days per week.  Busy, busy!

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