Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Boom-Boom Pretties!

I was initially rather annoyed this year that I was "stuck in Illinois" for the 4th of July because of working on the 5th before my two week vacation.  I typically love being in Michigan for the 4th, and last year we watched the fireworks on a mountain in Gatlinburg, TN.  Then my sister and brother-in-law decided to come down and visit, and so I wasn't annoyed anymore.  I researched and found that Itasca claimed to have the largest fireworks show in Illinois.  It was really cool!  They had a few live bands and concessions spread out on a huge lawn with little lakes, and the display really was quite incredible!  They were nonstop and seemed so huge directly above us.  Also pictured above, Margaux and the neighbor boy, Alexander.  (She calls him "Alek-a-zander"!)  He came over to see her hamster, and this is what we heard from the play room:
M:  You're my boyfriend.
A:  No I'm not.
M:  Yes you are.
A:  No I'm not.
M:  Yes you are.
A:  Than I am leaving.
M:  Okay, you're not.

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