Monday, November 9, 2009

One Year Checkup

MVP & DrG.

Margaux had her one year checkup with the amazing DrG today.  She now weighs 24 lbs. 2 oz. (75th %) and measures 30 3/4" long (95th %).  She got three shots and a TB test and one of the shots really hurt her and made her cry, poor lil' thing!  We can switch her to whole milk and try to get her going on a sippy cup, which she has firmly rejected each time we have attempted it...she loves her "ba-ba"!  We also need to work really hard with getting her to eat solid foods.  She has been gagging/spitting it up since summer no matter what we give her.  Wish us luck on that!  All in all, a healthy & thriving little girl.  I cannot elaborate enough on how much we adore DrG, he is truly the BEST pediatrician ever!!!

1 comment:

The Ranger's said...

The transitions from babyhood to toddlerhood...tough for babies and mommies! She'll do great!