Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Drama We Find Is Often The Drama We Create

"The more conscious I become of my own internal state, including my emotions, thoughts, and motivations, the more I’m beginning to realize how much internal DRAMA I’ve been living with pretty much my entire life. Most of us have these little internal ‘drama makers’ that constantly turn reality into some kind of perpetual soap opera. Drama is essentially conflict… It can be experienced with other people or it can be a battle that ensues within your own self… The source of drama is internal resistance to the present moment, to ‘what IS’… And most drama is completely unnecessary.
Now, this drama is not always blatantly obvious… It can be incredibly subtle. Anytime you’re not experiencing internal peace inside yourself, there is drama. And it can be manifested as pity, shame, anxiety, unease, a deep sense of lack, insecurity, taking things personally, dwelling on the past, anticipating the imaginary future, gossiping, stress, or really any other kind of fear based thoughts or emotions.
Drama is the result of internal division, and it creates suffering. But we don’t have to keep living with drama any longer. If you stop resisting what is and just accept life as it comes, that’s really the end of all the drama. A Course in Miracles states, ‘No one who is at One with himself can even conceive of conflict’.
You do have a choice… You can choose drama or you can choose peace. And no one else can make that choice but you. The way I see it, it’s our responsibility to choose internal peace… It’s the responsibility that we have to the whole of humanity, the good of all. Because inner peace is what CREATES global peace…"


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