Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Morn

She will be giving great smiles until the second she sees the little orange light on the camera and then...instantly serious!
What a glorious morning! We woke up to sunshine and gave Margaux her Easter basket in addition to the many goodies that she received from family and friends...thank you all! We then got her all dressed up and headed off to a beautiful mass at our parish. The place was packed with many standing but we managed to squeeze into a back pue and make it to communion at which point MVP was giving off a certain aroma...bad smell for such a pretty little girl! We then headed to Lara & Tony's for a fabulous feast with a fun group of people. (It was amazing but it's back to Weight Watcher's for me tomorrow!) In other news, Little Miss rolled all the way over this morning and we also discovered she is probably allergic to apples.


The Ranger's said...

Love, Love, Love the dress! Glad you all had a nice day....

Susan said...

She looks like a little princess in her pink dress. You are a very nice looking family!