Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Remember When

"It's good morning time, Momma!"

I still look at her in awe every single morning.  Remember when the new day meant a a huge span of time, full of impending fun and adventure?  Time didn't fly back then, and there were no boring "To Do" lists filled with mundane, but necessary tasks.  She has her whole life ahead of her, so I pray, and it is wondrous to me, to think of the experiences yet to come.  (Mostly good, I hope!)   Who will she become?  What will she stand for?  How will she remember her childhood?  I am steadfastly living in every moment with her at this age, so that her tiny voice and infectious laughter of today, will forever echo in my mind.  I don't want to forget a single thing!  I love you most, dear girl.  xo


The Ranger's said...

Brought a little tear to my eye! Beautifully said.

Susan said...

Very well said. There is nothing better than the love of your child.