Friday, May 18, 2012

Farewell Adenoids

 Her Certificate of Bravery!

Today was GoGo's adenoidectomy!  She has not had a clear nasal passage in months...lots of mouth breathing, snoring, apnea and poor appetite.  Her adenoids were enlarged on x-ray and so we scheduled the procedure.  We felt bad about it, but knew she would be a happier little girl afterward.  The staff at Advocate Lutheran General were amazing and the volunteers were so nice and helpful.  She was wheeled into the O.R. and back into the recovery room within 20 minutes!  She was quite weepy coming out of the anesthesia, and the I.V. was  her biggest concern.  She has already been eating and enjoying her favorite foods, sniffing it and saying "Mmmm!".  She keeps proclaiming "No more boogers!"  We are giving her Tylenol but she denies feeling any pain.  So happy that this is behind us.  I do believe that it was more difficult for us than it was for her!  :)


Susan said...

Such a brave little girl. Very proud of you. Love you.

The Ranger's said...

Aw, is there anything more heartbreaking than a little one in a hospital gown? Happy she had a speedy recovery!