Monday, July 26, 2010

Shrek The Musical

Shrek The Musical is in Chicago for 8 weeks and we had the pleasure of seeing it last night, it's opening night!  Patrick has been shooting it during the preview period and thought that Margaux and I would enjoy it.  It's a risky thing taking a 21-month old to anything requiring over 2 hours of sitting!  She did pretty well by making it through the first half.  She was getting antsy and chatty and so Patrick took her walking downtown while I stayed for the rest of the show.  (He'd seen it in it's entirety more than once!)  I absolutely loved it!!!  The second half after intermission was my favorite with the best song and dance numbers.  Go see it if you get the chance!
In other news, Margaux got two beta fish this weekend while out and about with her daddy.  She is very intrigued by fish and we had been talking about an aquarium, but we are starting small first!  The fish don't have names because when I tried names on them Margaux looked at me and then them, in confusion.  They are just "Fishhh". 
Last but not least, our little girl started walking in late June.  We had been a bit concerned about her delay with this, but she apparently just likes to work on her own time!  Our pediatrician doesn't get concerned until after 17 months and when he assessed her and found that she was developmentally perfect in every other way, he gave us a referral to see a pediatric neurologist just for peace of mind.  We never got an appointment, long story.  So anyway, she is still very cautious and hesitant but we are confident that she will be running around and carefree about it in no time! 
It's been a nice summer for us so far, hope it has been for you too!

1 comment:

The Ranger's said...

Aw, fun stuff! It has been a nice summer - hot and lots of activities.