Monday, April 19, 2010


Pimpin' her new ride!
Everything is more fun when shared with a pal!
The box is an added treat, of course!

It has been kind of a rough weekend for our little gal...sick AGAIN.  Friday I noticed her nose was running a little but and then after her nap she continued to vomit 6x and run a lowgrade fever.  Since it was her third illness in three months we were a bit worried, so she went to see DrG on Saturday.  Thankfully, it was just a viral thing again...bum luck this season!  During her assessment with DrG I faced the fact that we have been allowing her WAY too much milk...a risk for anemia and also the reason behind her poor eating habits.  We have cut back to 20 ounces per day and she now drinks water and eats like a champ!  Hooray!  She still has a head cold, hope it clears up quickly!  Yesterday she and her daddy went to ToysRUs to buy her a buggy since she loves the ones at play group so much.  She got the pink Step 2 Whisper Ride and she has so much fun riding in it, honking the horn, putting her bottle in the holder and stowing away her "treasures" under the hood! 

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