Monday, February 15, 2010

Toddler's Playhouse

Up early and looking sharp for her first day of play group!

The tent filled with plastic balls was a big hit!

Yes, that is my Blackberry in her hand, but she wasn't texting and driving at the same time!

(There were other kids there, I swear!  I just didn't want to post pictures of them online without permission.)
Our little gal loves babies and kids but doesn't get much opportunity to play in groups since we don't live near family or friends with kids her age.  I did some online research and found a nice play group in Lakeview near where I work called Toddler's Playhouse.  Today was her first day and although she was a bit timid, she seemed to really like it.  I think she will have lots of fun and it will also be really good for her.  She is currently enrolled in a 16-week session and will be attending every Monday morning.  The program runs Monday thru Thursday and you can choose your combination of days.  The lady who runs it, Sheila, seems very nice.  The other parents/nannies/grandparents that were in attendance also seemed pleasant.  Thumbs up!

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