Friday, July 24, 2009

9 months old!

Nine months old today! She's growing so fast that it makes me afraid to blink my eyes. She has two more teeth now for a total of six. She is super smart and loves to play and laugh and be involved in everything...aka "nosey"! I think that she will be crawling soon. She is definitely the little boss lady of the house and is quickly realizing it. Jasper is her pal, they are so cute together. Lots of belly laughs and babble...a continued blessing.


The Ranger's said...

So cute! She'll be on the move before you know it and it'll take her curiosity to a whole new level!!!!

Blessings of my World said...

She is so lovely. Nosey babies turn into inquisitive adults!

Susan said...

She looks so tall and beautiful. Miss you all.