Saturday, April 12, 2008

Memory Lane

This is a shout-out for Chris, who is completely RIVETED by our blog...ha, ha! Who are these three hot young thangs? (AKA "3/5 of the Nerd Herd"!) Best buddies Chris, Patrick & Craig around 1997.

This is Patrick and his friend Kelli at a wedding in 1990. She looks hot. He looks like a member of Duran Duran.

Ah, the memories...good times.


Susan said...

Would Pat like to become a member of the "Hunka Hunka Burning Love" fan club??

Unknown said...

Poor Pat! You're torturing him because you're pregnant and he can't defend himself! Hee!

Ms. Skywalker said...


I think I wore that dress in a wedding. Guess that recycle thing does work. ;)