Monday, March 8, 2010

Oscar Fash

So okay, once again I was not all that jazzed about the Oscars because I was an epic failure at seeing ANY of the nominated films!  I will be watching them very soon thanks to Netflix.  However, I have always enjoyed the fashion aspect of these awards shows...the above are my top three favorite.  I think Sandra looked simply elegant and glamorous without seeming as though she had to try very hard.  I liked that she skipped the updo and I think the dark red lipstick made her features pop.  I also loved Demi's dress...she wore it beautifully and the color was perfect for her skin tone.  The wraps and flounciness of the dress were amazing!  Now I know that SJP made a lot of the Worst Dressed lists, but I honestly liked it.  She's tiny, so it looked great on was unique and I liked the Grecian flavor to the ensemble.  I will add that when she came out as a presenter that there were wrinkles in the dress that didn't look nice and when her hair was backlit it was very frizzy on the top part that was pulled back that should have been sleek, imo.  I never really have much of an opinion on the fellas...slight variations on the same tux = whoopee. 

And what's a blog post without some gratuitous pictures of my Margaux???

Pretty in pink.  The headband lasted for about 30 seconds!
She's not happy until her room is destroyed...mission accomplished!

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