Wednesday, June 24, 2009

8 Months Old!


It's all going so fast! Lots of new things addition to her bottom two front teeth, she is also starting to cut her two canine teeth. She can sit up on her own now, though it is not unheard of that she will topple over if she's not careful! She has babbled da-da-da-da for awhile now and just this past week has started to make the "m" sound and occasionally sings out ma-ma-ma. She continues to belly laugh a lot and she adores Jasper. She goes nuts in her jumper and loves looking at herself in the mirror! We read a lot of books and go on walks and she is generally a pleasure to take out and about. In her spare time she also enjoys putting her finger in her nose! :-)


Unknown said...

And she's found her feets! Ha!

Susan said...

Gosh, she looks like she's grown so much since I saw her last. I miss her!

The Ranger's said...

Aw, she's growing up! Her hair looks darker! Cute pic.