Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Patrick & The President

Patrick filming Barack Obama on 5/20/08.

Patrick worked with Sen. Barack Obama today on a shoot at the Big Shoulders office. I was dismayed when I found that this was the best picture there was to offer of the encounter...clearly, it is a good thing I am not in Patrick's business because I would put photo opps and canoodling before professionalism! Anyway, that is the back of Obama's head...isn't it nice? Patrick said that Barack was a really great guy and he was so happy to meet him and shake his hand. (The footage was shown on CNN and various other news outlets.)

*I know, he's got a LONG battle ahead to be President of the United States, but I am hoping and praying that this blog title will be true come November!*


Unknown said...

That's so cool!

It goes without saying that I would also forsake professionalism in this case!

Blessings of my World said...

For the sake of a better title, I will excuse your mistaken determination of the future. However,don't forget it is not over yet!!!!