Yep, I had another ultrasound today and our baby has graduated from a little blob to looking like a shrimp! Is that grotesque? Sorry! I call 'em how I see 'em! Besides, if I can't enjoy shellfish and other raw seafood treats for 9 months, why should you?!? LOL I actually have a nice print-out picture but I am honestly not feeling the motivation to mess around with the scanner today, we need to get it set up correctly so it's not such a production each time we use it! Anyway, all looks well and today's heart rate was 140 bpm. They also found what is causing certain symptoms I have been having, including that episode that had me convinced that I had miscarried:
A subchorionic hematoma is merely a sequestration of some blood within the layers of the forming placenta. It usually dissipates and disappears on its own. Sometimes you can have some vaginal bleeding (slight) and sometimes it does not cause bleeding. It usually does not interfere with the pregnancy and does not cause a miscarriage.
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