Margaux & Angel
Oh, that first crush, we never really forget it, do we? (Especially now that we can photograph the heck out of every life event!) Rewind to the first day of school, and Margaux comes home perturbed and saddened that some little boy in her class had told her that her drawing was ugly. I didn't bother with the oh-so-lame-and-hard-to-understand-at-that-age, "He is being mean to you because he likes you!" But guess what? He was being mean to her because he liked her! It was only a week or two later, that she gets in the car after school and tells me, "Angel didn't want me to go home today because he said he will miss me." (She is half day, he is full day.) It didn't take long to work out just who Angel was...the sharp-tongued little art critic! School has been going for over 5 months now, and Margaux's "love" for Angel is still going strong! She tells me all about how nice he is, how handsome, how funny, how he had the BEST Halloween costume of all the boys, how she is going to marry him, and so on and so forth. It's the cutest darned thing! We never tease her about it, so as not to belittle her feelings or make her feel like she can't talk to us. The photo above was taken at a birthday party this past weekend. Angel's parents wanted a picture of the two of them, so Angel ran up and grabbed Margaux's hand, and off they went for their little pseudo-prom pictures!